What is Theory U.- Basic questions and answers.
What is Theory U?[1] Why does it have the potential to transform the practice of development work? Is it true that it offers a methodological journey that transits complex problems into practical solutions? Enclosed is a sequence of questions and answers that help unravel the U journey.
What is Theory U?
·A new social paradigm, that offers practical solutions to complex development problems.
·A social change method, with a wide variety of concrete effective tools
·A new language for social change.
·A globally networked social movement.
·A journey from ego to eco, or from ego to Self.
2. What is the purpose of Theory U?
·To generate and propel awareness-based systemic thinking for global social change and transformation.
3. What are the objectives?
- To unravel the power of clear intention and generate “trust” among critical stakeholders.
- To identify the “blind spots” of the systems at play.
- To link theory with practice and address the how of complex social change.
- To generate social prototypes, “practical solutions” to complex problems.
- To have a clear road map for the construction of the possible emerging future.
4. What are the main outcomes?
- Innovation thinking that breaks through “conventional and stuck” situations and moves forward into sustainable change.
- Real solutions to complex problems with strong buy-in from participants.
- Sustainable transformational change.
5. What is the lens used during Theory U change laboratories process?
· Systemic thinking. Theory U welcomes and addresses the what and how of complexity.
· It does not limit analysis to symptoms; but goes into three levels of causes; structure, thought, and Self.
· Openly plunging into the blind spots of key strategic process and makes them visible.
· In the “iceberg model” Theory U explores three levels of causality in order to tend to symptoms: structure, thought, and Source. Understanding the deeper levels of causality, allows us to generate sustainable solutions.
6. Where has Theory U been applied and validated? Some examples of ongoing projects. [2]
The range is huge. I will only mention examples that I am familiar with, because I participated in projects, trainings, workshops, etc.
- Food security systems (sustainable agriculture) in Mexico.
- Education (universities for XXI Century)
- Health (HIV Aids prevention in Mexico and Peru)
- Local governance systems in the Latin American region.
- United Nations (from project manager to transformational leaders), UNODC, UNDP.
- Gender equality within the four main political parties in Ecuador. Fundación Esquel.
7. What are the 5 movements of the Theory U method?
8. What is the secret key to the Theory U journey? The art of listening.
·The four levels of listening.
Level 1, Downloading is based on habit, repetition of what we know, the protection of ego, and the prison of our mind. It is useful when we need to protect interest or posture. It does not favor change. It is excellent when the status quo needs to be protected and change is unnecessary.
Level 2. Debate propels the empire of dualism; it is helpful for the empowerment of diversity. Very useful for scientific exchanges where diverse hypotheses are at play. It promotes listening in its initial stages.
Level 3, Empathic listening, begins the process of deep listening. Change is stimulated in level three. You let go of your habits, and you put yourself in the shoes of others; it is based on respect for others. When you listen empathically, learning and change are possible.
Level 4, Generative listening, refers to connecting to Source, listening to the Universe, and harmonizing with the collective wisdom; there is a mix of silence and added energy. It allows for assessing the social field, listening to the Universe, and constructing the best possible futures.
Theory U teaches to move from level 2 to level 3 and, from there, into level 4 or generative listening. As we evolve, we create trust containers that shift the relational map of listening, conversing, and putting into action programs, projects, and processes.
9. How does transformational leadership play within the U journey and method?
· Through training leaders. A leader can evolve by assimilating the five movements of the U and becoming dexterous in the following seven capacities.
- Alliance building and clear intention
- Linking head, heart, and body for action.
- System´s thinking and knowledge management,
- Creativity and innovation,
- Crystallization,
- Social prototyping, and
- Building emerging futures
· A leader can flourish by practicing the four levels of listening, mentioned in question eight.
· A leader can grow by applying vertical prototyping to the social field. [3] Vertical prototyping is anchored in the Source, it pays special attention to the quality of the land and the existing seeds. It identifies acupuncture points, touches them, and moves the whole system without action and with one breath.
10. In what social context, is it most beneficial to use Theory U?
· Being in fertile land, a social field that welcomes systemic social change.
· Holding space with innovative partners, and putting together the group of five to drive the project forward.
· Converting the needed changes into a live, virtuous, evolving intention.
· In the context of a project cycle, assessing where we are in the design stage, science of implementation, monitoring and evaluation, or deriving lessons learned into the emerging future.
· Welcoming resistance,
· Being systemic about the design and evolution of the trust container.
· Defining the Time needed to understand, put into practice, and assimilate the five movements of the U in a systemic way.
11. How can we use our “time to think” to drive the U process forward?
o Every week, set a time in your agenda for deep thinking.
o Explore the time you need to apply Theory U in the planning stages of a programme, project or process.
o Courageously decide on the time you need to put it to work in the implementation stages. develop your action confidence.[4]
o Decide on the time you need to apply the lessons learned and then move forward.
12. What is the basic reading to move forward?
- Otto Scharmer, The Essentials of Theory U, Core Principles and Applications, BK, 2018
[1] Scharmer, Otto, The Essentials of Theory U, Core Principles and Applications. BK, 2018
[2] You can read about success stories in https://www.presencing.org/community/prototypes
[3] Otto Scharmer: Prototyping the New in the Post-COVID Era | by Helio Borges | Medium
[4] Otto Scharmer and Eva Pomeroy, Action Confidence: Laying Down the Path in Walking | by Otto Scharmer | Field of the Future Blog | Medium